News by tag

Feminist and Gender Studies at Mount Allison 
Women’s and Gender Studies changes program name to reflect new directions in the field 
Owens Art Gallery receives Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell Literacy Award 
The award recognizes the gallery’s commitment to community literacy and lifelong learning 
Mount Allison’s Dr. Lauren Beck elected to the RSC 2023 College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists
Royal Society of Canada recognizes excellence, promotes culture and knowledge of innovation
Engaging gallery experience with Lydia Paterson: Summer Student Internship 
Fourth-year BA Fine Arts student Lydia Paterson is spending her summer as the Lassonde Intern in the Arts at the Confederation Centre Art Gallery through the Experiential Learning & Career Development’s Internship Program at Mount Allison. 
Mount Allison researchers launch new phase of intergenerational literacies program with students, families, and educators 
Local kindergarteners, first-graders experience engaging, hands-on, interdisciplinary learning at home and on campus 
Mount Allison’s Dr. Susie Andrews elected to the RSC 2022 College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists 
Royal Society of Canada recognizes excellence, promotes culture of knowledge and innovation
Mount Allison, NSCC launch new pathway agreement in social services 
Students can earn diploma, degree with focus on social services, sociology 
Une nouvelle vue of NB literature — in French and en anglais  
Mount Allison, UdeM classes collaborate across disciplines, focus on NB literature 
Mount Allison introduces Indigenous Studies minor, certificate programs 
Plans to expand academic programming in collaboration with Indigenous communities, Elders 
Mount Allison student Oorja Gonepavaram receives 2022 3M National Student Fellowship Award
Gonepavaram one of ten national recipients chosen for outstanding leadership 
Mount Allison’s Writing Centre expands services for students
Staff, peer tutor supports in place across Arts, Science, and Social Sciences faculties
New academic programs launched at Mount Allison University for 2022 
Offerings include degrees, certificates in health studies, computer science and music, and arts administration  
Green roof project takes shape at Mount Allison
Religious studies class helped with design for rooftop garden
A new look at ‘Mount Allison’s darkest night’
Renée Belliveau (‘17) brings the story of the 1941 residence fire to life in her novel, The Sound of Fire
2021 Alumni Award winners
Celebrating three exceptional Allisonians